Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Birthing Books and Babies

Scarlett O'Hara's maid didn't know nothin' about birthing no babies! But I've learned a lot recently about the connection between birthing books and babies.

1. Books and babies are birthed in their own good time, regardless of due dates.

My manuscript was due to my publisher on May 1, 2009. On April 26 I had finished reviewing 11 of the 12 chapters I had received from my copy editor and prematurely breathed a sigh of relief. On April 27 I had intended to finish the last chapter and back matter and send the manuscript to my editor when I got home from work. My unborn grandchild
was due April 29, and we had thought he would be late, according to the doctor. No problem, right? Wrong! At 2:30 p.m. that Monday I was in my office when my son Scott called to tell me his wife was in labor with their second child and could I please call his dad. We were to leave ASAP for Pensacola, FL.

So much for the best laid plans of mice and women. Although Nathan Andrew was born before we arrived, I was with him, his parents, and his sister on May 1—and chapter 12 was a distant memory. On May 5 the publisher received the book with my apologies.

Some things in life take their own sweet time. Others come unexpectedly. Books and babies have their own timetable, and it's best to let nature take its course.

2. Books and babies just pop out.

Did that come out of me? I look at my manuscript and feel amazed that these words emanated from some place deep within me that I didn't even know existed.

My 4-year-old granddaughter had asked her mom, "How is that baby in your tummy going to get out?" Becky, thinking quickly on her feet, said, "It will just pop out." Several times last week Sara remarked on how Mommy's baby just popped out. It seemed a reasonable explanation to her.

How appropriate, I thought. I incubated my book for longer than nine months, but eventually, the words just popped out. When those who read the book ask, "Where did those ideas come from?" I have the perfect answer. "They just popped out."

What's in you that needs to pop out? Let the words flow!

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